Asemic Pages: The Heliacal Rising

Made using Deep Dreams code, pixel sorting, and distorted calligraphy.
Lacuna De Luxe: An Asemic Graphic Novel
Lacuna De Luxe may also be downloaded as a PDF here.
Asemic writing is a form of written language which utilizes symbols such as script, typefaces, or calligraphy which are composed and arranged purely for aesthetic value and not as the vessel of any language or other inherent symbolism. The lack of any cultural predisposition in this art form is of obvious value in the pursuit of a true, viable post-cultural aesthetic; the titular "void sigil" itself is innately asemic.
The Voynich manuscript, the source of the script used in Lacuna De Luxe, may be viewed online through Yale University's Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library. While the possibility remains that the manuscript is actually written in a coded or untranslated script, the lack of any means of deciphering it (for the time being) renders the writing within purely aesthetic in nature, and places it well within the realm of asemic art.